Friday Club. The next meeting of our new monthly club for young people age 11 to 16 is on Friday 28 February. Click here for details.

Regular Meetings

Sunday Services

Our main meetings take place each week on Sundays when we have services at 11.00 in the morning and 6.30 in the evening. Our services typically involve singing hymns, prayer, reading the Bible, and preaching – when the message of a passage from the Bible is explained. Currently the evening service is also streamed on Zoom.

Prayer Meeting

Our Tuesday evening meeting (currently on Zoom) starts at 8pm and usually lasts until about 9.05pm. We sing God's praises and hear a reading from the Bible but the emphasis of the meeting is on prayer. There is an opportunity before we turn to prayer for those present to share matters for prayer.

Women's Reading Group

Join us on Wednesday at 8.30pm (currently online using Zoom) for our women’s reading group. A chance during the week to discuss and look more into God’s word. A relaxing time for people wanting to gain more understanding or for those well versed in the word to discuss further. Get ready for in-depth discussions where no question is off limits.